Our Process

​So that we don’t waste each other’s time lets make sure we’re a good fit and that we’re both on the same page.

​Project Brief

​First we need to ​understand what your goals are and why they are important to you b​​y asking some questions that quite frankly may make you uncomfortable. If the process doesn't at least make to you scratch you head in thought then we haven't gone deep enough.


​​After we've extracted all the information from you and/or all stakeholders, we'll build a visual sitemap to communicate the proposed site architecture.


​Rather than just building the website that we think you need, we’ll build an interactive prototype to show you how the proposed solution will work. You can then take it for a test drive and provide feedback on the functionality.


​Next, we get creative and bring the site to life with colour, style and typography to be consistent with the brand identity. You’ll then have another opportunity to review the design and provide feedback.​


​​Then we test everything to ensure its working as expected and meets best practice standards e.g. load times, mobile friendliness, usability, etc before going live.

​​If you're still here and prepared to work together ​then ​we​ just might be a good match.